The Lab Directors Virtual Summit is a unique way to learn from professionals who do exactly what you do.
OCTOBER 26-28, 2020 | VIRTUAL
Bringing People Together to Help Each Other
The Lab Directors Virtual Summit is three half days of uniquely structured interactive roundtable sessions, information sharing, and networking - 100% online! Get introduced to dozens of others responsible for hospital laboratories as well as senior representatives from the vendor community who will share how they’re approaching industry issues. The Lab Directors Summit is your opportunity to get insights on an immediate issue, learn what’s working for your peers and what’s not, and gain new relationships with colleagues from across the country.
A Custom Agenda Based on Your Needs
The Lab Directors Summit team reviews your application to understand more about you, your laboratory and how we can support your initiatives. Based upon your application and then a selection process that you drive, we'll develop a custom agenda that introduces you to the people you’re interested in meeting, and who are interested in meeting with you. You’re going to spend three days in interactive and topical meetings, roundtable discussions and networking.
How to Participate
To be eligible, you must direct, manage or be a decision-maker in a lab facility that is part of a hospital system with 100 total beds or more. Your title should be Director or above, or you should have a minimum of five years in the industry. You should also have challenges that you’re interested in sharing, a willingness to help others and a desire to learn about products or services that can help you in the next 6 to 18 months.
Don’t take our word for it…
It was so refreshing to get to discuss the real issues in Laboratory today and hear how others are handling situations similar to what we are experiencing. The extremely interactive environment allowed organic discussion of so many important issues.
Kacy Peterson - Avera Health
Our Team